Monday, March 19, 2007

You can call me stupid cow

Everyone who knows me, knows that I love cows. And that I would like to have one. A real one, that is.

But I found something almost just as good, and maybe a little bit more realistic a couple of years ago on a trip to Brighton, UK when I visited a lovely artist led gallery and studio called Two Kats and a Cow. The gallery belongs to painters Katty McMurray, Kathryn Matthews and John Marshall.

John is the Cow Man. He creates these amazing cow paintings which are so fascinating and manage to capture that very essence of being a cow. Or what I imagine being a cow would be like. You know what I mean, I'm sure.

I have not have the honor to meet the Cow Man himself but anyone who can create the cow paintings like he does is very high on my list of people I would like to meet. The dinner would be on me and I am sure we would share an interesting discussion about these wonderfully laidback creatures.

One day I hope to have Buster, Rosamund or any other of these lovely creatures staring back at me from the wall.

Being in Morocco right now and seeing the old fashion way of transportation of goods on the streets every day, I am quickly developing a similar fascination for donkeys. Anyone know a donkey painter?


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Yes, Robert Schmid! Did you see my post on him? We have a donkey, BTW. His name is Lucky. He was being beaten in the street and was purchased on the spot for 500 DHs.

Downtown News said...

I've seen his work before, very nice!
If you ever make it to San Diego, please visit my cow gallery. Meanwhile, if you get a chance,, my blog, or my main site,

Downtown News said...

Thanks for the comment you left, glad you like the work.
The easiest answer to why cows is
that they just make me smile, I love their faces, their demeanor, their attitude, the fact that they are not in too much of a hurry for anything. I just can't look into the eyes of a cow and not be intrigued, they are much more intelligent than they are given credit for I believe. I just can't help but smile and even laugh when I am with them. Since I work from my own original photos as reference for my paintings, I get to spend time with them whenever I want to, and try to bring the feeling I have to my work to share with the viewer.
Thanks for looking!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great surprise - it's John here, the cow man! Delighted that you like my work, and that I merit a slot in your Blog. I Googled myself (how vain!) and there you were. Many thanks.


PS. I'm always hungry - so if you're ever in Brighton again you can get me that dinner!